Monday, October 24, 2016

You’re fracking me right?
By: Cherokee Leppert

Quote: “By the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place.” Hillary Clinton
Energy is a main source of our everyday lives. Without energy schools won’t be up and running Energy creates all our electrical and heating anything you name it, it takes place with our everyday lives. There are many other forms of technology that take place, and that are distributed around the world. Hillary Clinton, a presidential candidate running for 2016 presidential stands for Renewable- Energy Technology. Hillary Clinton is an American Politician, running for the Democratic Party for the President of the United States. “Hillary’s Plan is thoughtful and detailed, to the level of addressing funding sources.” The source that I am getting this off of is This website consists of many science related topics, but it also brings to light the presidential debates, and anything scientific that comes out of a candidate’s mouth on stage. It brings the topic to perspective to people who want more information on what is said, and how it’s going to be gone and costs of the new plans that are being proposed to the country. In order for the people to become educated voters and help out with the future of our country they much be educated about the plan that is being proposed.
            In this blog article I will explain what Hillary Clinton’s stand point is on energy and the plan she proposed for our times. I will explain what she personally is for, and if it is cost effective. I will tell you whether I am for or against the plan that is being proposed at this time. I am hoping to help you and myself understand her plans and her full intentions of her Renewable energy Technology. Effective energy costs is an everyday topic that comes up, because they are focused on what will be cost effective and the most beneficial for our country.
            Renewable Energy is a major point in our energy system throughout the country. Renewable energy is energy that is not exhausted when used, examples of renewable energy is wind and solar power. Nonrenewable energy is a thing in our economy. Nonrenewable energy comes from sources that cannot be replenished and will eventually run out over time. Some examples of nonrenewable energy are fossil fuels; such as coal and petroleum. Renewable energy has been growing overtime, and is becoming more widespread and put up in the many of the states in the United States.
            Hillary Clinton is proposing a Clean Energy Challenge which would cost a total of 60 billion dollars. She wants to cut oil and gas subsidies, she wants to support a healthy/clean type of renewable energy. Oil drilling is widespread throughout the world. Oil drilling is one of the most expensive and destructive to the environment. It is stated that oil drilling caused health problems throughout the community. Los Angeles is a major area that distributes oil. One of the articles I came across says, “California remains one of the top producers of crude oil in the U.S…” With Los Angeles being a main part of where crude oil is distributed, they must take precautions, so that the people around are not affected, and can stay out of potential harms way.
            Natural gas reserves die down over time, and in order to start them back up hydraulic fracturing takes place. Hydraulic Fracking is where sand, liquid, and chemicals are injected to break up rocks and whatever is holding gas. Fracking has helped increase domestic fuel production, in the United States. It’s said to have been linked to the earthquakes in Texas.
            Hillary Clinton is against the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline is a pipeline that would transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Oklahoma and The Gulf Coast of Texas. It is about an $8 Billion project that is at hand. One of the problems with the pipeline is spilling. Spilling could potentially cause erosion. And the leaking of the oil, so the production numbers would not be very beneficial or high, and with all that flooding could occur. Coal power is another non-renewable source that is very bad for the air and it pollutes the air and atmosphere.
Hillary Clinton was and is focused on renewable energy and how to make the United States more about it so that we can be a more green and less polluted country. Windmills and solar panels are becoming more and more popular throughout the States. I pass them traveling up North in my area. Another thing with building windmills and putting in solar panels it creates more jobs. The only thing that still confuses me about the subject is where all the money will be coming from.

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