Monday, October 24, 2016

By: Brandin Clark

Early January of 2014 NBC News broadcasted calling the winter of 2014 the “Great Freeze” as it was the coldest weather in years. Donald Trump later tweeted saying “NBC News just called it the great freeze - coldest weather in years. Is our country still spending money on the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX?”. Saying the weather was too cold for something like global warming to happen.

“Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!” ”Give me clean, beautiful and healthy air - not the same old climate change (global warming) bullshit! I am tired of hearing this nonsense.”

NBC’s article titles Looking back at a cold 2013-2014 winter season states that the winter reached the 20th coldest winter ever recorded dating back to 1906. The winter had an average of 42 days where the temperature dropped to or below 32 degrees, which is 17 more days then the winters we are used to.

Did Donald Trump have enough information to ask the question? Was it a waste of money focusing on Global Warming in the year of 2014? Was the Great Freeze enough to stop Global Warming?
First of all what does global warming even mean? Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. Is global warming something that we have to worry about? Reading an article of the status of global warming says that in the past 100 years the earth’s temperature has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 degrees celsius and say that it could rise between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees celsius by the year 2100. This change doesn’t seem like a lot to us but scientist that have been studying global warming for year say it could melt the polar ice caps which will lead to a rising of the sea level, as well as an increase in major storms and other weather events.

Another article answers the question. It freezing outside and cars are buried in snow, is global warming really happening? It states that several federal agencies, universities, and research centers across the world have concluded that the world is warming all the time, it’s all based off of hard evidence such as the temperature on land and water all around the world, but that still does not mean our cars won’t be buried in snow.

We are still using our cars, buses, and other way of transportation we still burn coal, oil, and gas for our cars and to fuel the many businesses around the world. All of the gases get trapped in the atmosphere which warms up the earth very slowly, so slowly that only very high tech machines can tell the difference.

If the planet is warming, why do we have winter? Cold weather still happens at high elevations or higher latitude places. The earth warms very slowly, not fast enough to affect the weather in a huge way. Over hundreds of years this could end up changing to be 10 degrees celsius higher than it is now. Although it could raise 10 degrees it still isn’t fully enough to completely stop our winter. It will change a lot of other things but we will still have all of our seasons.

In conclusion Trump’s statement about the great freeze and how it affects Global Warming is not correct. Although the weather was freezing that year it did not have a big enough effect to stop global warming or even slow it down. Global warming is not affected by the climate as much as it is affected by our gasses that we burn everyday all day. If we reduced the amount of gasses we burn it could reduce global warming slowly, but something as simple as a freezing winter won’t do the trick.

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