Monday, October 24, 2016

Climate Change Will End Us
By: Kenzie Taysom
[Background and Statement made]

On May 18, 2016, Hillary Clinton made a claim about global warming and how it is human’s fault that it is happening. She said that Climate change is the most serious thing that we are facing today. If humans really are the cause of climate change then we need to do something about it and Hillary is going to help us achieve a better world to live in. We need to get a better understanding of what is going on how we are going to be affected. Let’s take a look at some facts and see if Hillary’s statement is true or not. Here is the statement she made to Quora: (
“Climate change is one of the most serious challenges we face. It’s real, it’s driven by human activity, and it’s happening right now. We need to use every tool we have to combat climate change and accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. We can’t wait any longer—and we definitely can’t wait for Congress to pass new legislation. That’s why I’ve set bold national goals for fighting climate change. And on my very first day in office, I’ll get to work achieving them.”
[Purpose of this blog article]
Is Hillary’s statement true? Is man really the cause of climate change? Is Climate change our biggest challenge? Let’s look into some research and see what other people have to say about this matter.
[Evidence for and\or against claims]
What exactly is climate change? Climate change is the climate changing because the global temperature is changing. The atmosphere is locking in gas and causing the earth’s temperature to increase.

 Union of concerned Scientists has said that global warming and climate change is happening now. The temperature has gone up every year for the past 38 years and is still going up. They say that man is the cause of it because we are putting too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Science has proven that there is non-disputable because we have all of the evidence that this is a real thing and it is happening right now.
Ohio Environmental Council says that global warming is a very big threat no matter where you live. They say that the atmosphere is full of gasses and materials that are causing the earth to change.  Carbon dioxide and methane gas are caused by burning fossil fuels and clearing forests and those are the main gasses in our atmosphere. If we don’t stop climate changes soon then our world will change in irreversible ways. Gardens for Health claim that climate change is going to affect human health. Already rural places that don’t have much are going to be effected first and then it will continue to get worse. Food is not going to be able to grow, water will become not drinkable, and weather will change drastically and cause death and injuries. These are only a few examples of what could happen if global warming isn’t stopped.
U.S. Department of Defense said that climate change is going to create security implications. They are preparing themselves for when everything starts to happen so that they are prepared and know how to handle the situations.  Poverty, social tensions, and weak political institutions are some of the things that combat command needs to be prepared for. An article from PSR stats that climate change is one of the greatest health threats that we have faced in the 21st century. Heat waves, water and food, storms are all going to be caused by the climate change. PSR is trying to spread the word so that people will get a better understanding of what is going on and how much it is going to affect humanity. We are in serious danger and if we don’t do something about how we are living then we are going to go through some rough times.


Hillary’s claim was very true. Climate change is happening right now and humans are the main cause of it. We are releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and if we don’t stop bad things are going to start happening. There is going to be extreme storms, no food or water, bad breathing air, and a lot more things that will happen if climate change isn’t fixed. If we don’t start now to fix it then we won’t be able to later, it will be irreversible. We need to come together to change what is going on and help the world we live on as much as possible. 

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