Monday, October 24, 2016

Are GMOs a GM-No?

By Amanda Laver

In November of 2014, an article was written by Mary Beth Schweigert about How GMOs Impact the Gluten-Free Diet. While this article is written directly towards those with celiac disease, the information has no correlation with being gluten-intolerant. This article is misleading; there is no scientific proof given against the use of GMOs. The article seems to be strictly opinion from various individuals. One of these opinions is as follows:

“[Maureen] Burke, of Crofton, Md., says she suspects that something in the environment or food supply explains the explosion of celiac disease, food allergies and related autoimmune problems. She’s decided to avoid GMOs until their potential impact on people has been sufficiently studied…‘With all the complications I have [including multiple food allergies], the cleaner I can eat, the better.’”

While Burke may be a credible source, she gives no scientific evidence to back up her suspicions against GMOs. The article even goes so far as to state, “[m]any scientists, farmers and food manufacturers say GMOs make food production more efficient and economical and are perfectly safe.” It is followed by the statement, “[b]ut growing consumer backlash links GMOs to health problems and environmental damage” which once again has no scientific studies to back it up.

Is Burke right? Are GMOs really a cause of celiac disease, food allergies, and related autoimmune problems? Are GMOs harmful to consume?

To begin, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are defined as “organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering”. While many people see this as unnatural and bad to human health, studies actually show that it can improve the nutritional value of foods. For example, soybean proteins with antihypertensive properties have been shown in studies to lower blood pressure. Another example is in golden rice. Scientists claim that it holds an increased amount of Vitamin A which leads to a decreased rate in childhood blindness with the increased consumption thereof.

One of the main concerns that people have about genetically modified foods is the allergenicity. The World Health Organization, or WHO, has stated that “No allergic effects have been found relative to GM foods currently on the market.” Genetically engineering certain foods will not increase your risk of becoming allergic to them.

A lot of people now a days are very concerned that all of their food is “organic”. They are especially concerned about animals that eat genetically modified foods because that is not natural. However, studies have shown ”A new scientific review from the University of California, Davis, reports that the performance and health of food-producing animals consuming genetically engineered feed, first introduced 18 years ago, has been comparable to that of animals consuming non-GE feed. The review study also found that scientific studies have detected no differences in the nutritional makeup of the meat, milk or other food products derived from animals that ate genetically engineered feed.” This goes to show that animals eating GMO foods are no different than those that eat only “natural foods”. They in no way affect the meat obtained from animals that we eat.
Acceptance and usage of GMOs is increasing in the United States.
 Percentage of planted acres continues to rise. By FDA, via Wkimedia Commons

There are many articles posted and discussed about the negative side of GMOs. There are in fact many benefits to eating foods that are genetically modified. Some of these benefits are that it makes the plants resistant to weeds, pests, and other diseases. This not only is beneficial to the workers who care for the plants, but also to our whole economy. In using this GMO, it saves lots of money that would normally be spent on weed killers and other pesticides. GMOs also help the food to have a better taste and flavor, nicer texture, and greater nutritional value. It also provides them with a longer shelf life so that people can have fresh food longer, which ties into providing a way to feed the world. With longer shelf lives and freshness, it is easier to get food to third world or struggling countries.

In this article, there is a list of five good reasons why GMOs should continue to be used. Many of them are similar to previously stated reasons. To go into greater depth about the main concern of allergens, all foods with GM are “tested rigorously” before being put out on the market. This ensures that all foods with genetic modification are safe to eat. Some of these tests can last 7-10 years. Scientists take great care in checking these foods for potential risks to humans, livestock, and the environment.

While many people fear the use of GMOs, there is no real threat from them. They are very beneficial to society as a whole. First, they improve nutritional value of foods by enriching certain vitamins and proteins. Second, concerns can be put to rest that they do not cause allergic reactions or other autoimmune diseases. Third, there is no evidence to support the idea that GMOs cause animals to produce inorganic meat. Fourth, money can be saved by genetically altering plants to be resistant to pesticides and similar diseases by not needing to use weed killer, etc. Fifth, the preservative ability of GMOs allows people to send food to suffering countries.

Burke’s claims are incorrect in the sense that GMOs do not cause celiac disease or other said problems. They also are not harmful for consumption. They could greatly benefit our society.

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