Averi Marshall

Young boy playing on phone
Dennis Kucinich, U.S house of representatives, claimed that cell phones are
frying your brain. He was giving a small speech in the form of a youtube video
to bring awareness to the affects cell phones are having on children and
stating that children and adults should limit to cut the use of cell phones.
Dennis Kucinich said that there has been many “peer-reviewed” studies of cell
phones causing brain damage. “There’s enough studies out there that point out
the possible adverse health risks out there that any parent who loves their
child in any way would not let their child use a cell phone,” said Kucinich.
The video shows pictures of what look to be the brain getting worse with the
use of cell phones, but doesn’t explain what is happening in the photos, how
much phone usage, and what kind of phones. The congressman compares cell phone
companies to cigarette companies in a leading cause for cancer, although cell
phones do have a risk of cancer, that risk is close to none. Watching this
short clip you can tell that the Congressman doesn’t know very much on the
subject, and hasn’t done any fact checking on it.
phone usage daily has little to no effects on the brain.
Cell Phone vs. Brain
Using your
phone can cause cancer? No one would ever have thought this, until a television
report linked cell phone usage to a women that had a brain tumor. Brain tumor
cases have grown with the use of cell phones, so some have connected the two.
This and the fact that cell phone and technology usage has greatly increased in
recent years have led people to believe that cell phone radiation has an impact
on your brain and could lead to cancer. The type of tumor people are worried
about in this case is the most common type of brain tumor, gliomas. Brain
tumors are a leading cause of cancer, so you can see why people are concerned
about this issue. The cause of concern is not that the radiofrequency radiation
given from a phone will give cancer, it's that it will heat tissues and cause a
tumor that leads to cancer. The truth is, that normal or even high use of a
cell phone will not cause any big problems to your health. Cell phones do emit
energy and radiation, but it doesn’t give off enough to even heat up your
skin. Radiofrequency is seen as harmless
because of the very low amount of energy it gives off. Although it is very
little, it does give off some radiation.
Talking on the phone with your phone to your head, raises concern with
radiofrequency. There are a lot of factors that contribute though to raise any
concern at all, like how much you talk on the phone. You would need to talk on
your phone for hours a day every day of the week to get a small amount of
radiation. Another factor is that you
need to be very close to a cell tower or there will be no radiation whatsoever,
but very little is given off even close to the towers. The farther away from
the tower, the harder your phone has to work for the connection hence the more
radiation the farther you go. Radiofrequency radiation has not be proven to
have cancerous effects on the body. In truth, because phones are changing and
upgrading every day and they are new, there hasn’t been any long term studies
on the effects they have on people. Cell phones have not been around long
enough yet to determine any serious consequences of using them often.
Researchers have done studies though on people with growing tumors that use
phones and people without phones and they have not found any correlations with
the use of the phone and the tumor growth.
In conclusion, Congressman Kucinich did not do enough
research linking cell phone use to brain damage. If he would have done any
research he would have realized the fault in his statements. He stated that it
was a huge problem and could have given a lot of people a cause for worry, when
in reality what he was saying was false. Kucinich put in graphs and photos with
no context and stated that he got his information from “sources” but didn’t
give any evidence. Cancer isn’t the threat, a brain tumor is what he is scared
off. Phone usage gives off radiation but
not a great amount, many factors go into the amount of radiation. Cell phone usage does not have any major
effects on the brain. Even though rumors like these are spread, using your cell
phone can continue to be a source of entertainment, help, and communication for
you every day!
**Rise in phone usage
Link to video of Dennis Kucinich:
Links to sources: